Hands-on training available for famers in managing livestock predators

It’s no secret that tales of livestock predators—even big predators—are becoming more and more common. Reported sightings of bobcats, black bears, and yes, even Bigfoot are frequently reported in the Mohican area.

That’s why Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District is joining forces with the USDA’s APHIS Wildliver Service and the Ashland County Wildlife Conservation League to present a Conservation Chat: Livestock Predator Management this January at the conservation league.

While they can’t help attendees with Bigfoot sightings or management, the all-day event is designed to help local farmers learn to protect their livestock from increasingly common predators like black vultures, coyotes, bobcats and more.

The event will take place on January 27 from 10 am until 3 pm at the Ashland County Wildlife Conservation League farm at 1930 County Road 1035, Ashland. Registration is $5/person or free for both parties if you bring a friend.

“We’re really excited to be able to bring a comprehensive program like this to Ashland County,” said Jane Houin, Ashland SWCD director. “We hear a lot of concern from local livestock farmers when it comes to new and emerging predators, especially black vultures and larger mammals like bobcats and black bear. This is a great opportunity to come together and not only learn proper management techniques and regulations but get hands-on experience implementing those techniques”

In the morning, participants will hear from a variety of speakers, then the afternoon will focus on hands-on learning and demonstrations. Topics will include the USDA’s Livestock Indemnification program as well as lethal and nonlethal control methods for bobcats, black vultures and coyotes. Participants will also learn how to properly handle livestock mortality.

Registration is $5 per person or free for both parties when you register with a friend, and lunch and snacks will be provided. Preregistration is required and is available by calling 419-281-7645 or online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/conservation-chat-livestock-predator-management-workshop-tickets-669455929707

Ashland SWCD